

Your Own Branded - Loyalty Card

Do you want your business to stand out and get more loyal customers?
A customer rewards program is the easiest and most cost-effective way to motivate customers to return to your business more frequently and spend more.

Would you like us to create a Free sample digital loyalty card for you?
Click below to get started.

No credit card or obligation is required.

How it works

Your customers join your loyalty program by scanning a QR code.

No need to install software. Just click three times, and you’re done. It couldn’t be easier.

No new hardware is needed for your business.
You can use our Cloud-based Console and Customer Rewards App on any device with internet access. Any Smartphone, Tablet, or Computer will do the job.

Your rewards card lives alongside your customers’s virtual credit and travel cards on their Smartphones via Apple Wallet, Google Pay, and Now WhatsApp!

  • Message your customers through Email, SMS, WhatsApp and Free Push notifications.
  • With rewards on offer, your customers will always be motivated to return to your business for more, ensuring a steady revenue stream.
  • Start to get new customers fast with our integrated customer referral marketing.
  • Reports provide valuable insights into customer behaviour, which can be used to customize promotions and rewards.

Building a customer database has never been easier. Instantly capture your customers’ contact details by having them scan your QR Code to join your loyalty program.

Social media is great, but you don’t own those platforms. They can change their rules anytime, and you can instantly lose contact with your customers.
With Loyaltymaster, you own and are in control of your customer list as an asset.

A customer loyalty program isn’t just a “nice to have”.
It is a must and a game-changer for your business.

Your own customer database.

Boost repeat sales.

Did you know that, on average, a mere 20% of your customers account for a staggering 80% of your future sales?

  • Can you confidently identify this crucial 20% of your customer base?
  • Are you aware of how frequently they visit your business and the amount they spend?
  • Would you be able to tell if they stopped returning?
  • And, most importantly, how would you entice them back if they did disappear?

This is where our Digital loyalty cards come into play.
Engaging your customers year-round boosts their lifetime value and transforms casual visitors into loyal customers. 
Harness the power of technology to learn who your customers are, how often they visit, and how much they spend, and if they drift away, you’ll know and have the tools to reel them back in.

Take control of your customer relationships today and reap the rewards tomorrow. 

Do I need a digital rewards card?

Yes. This is the proven way to easily and cost-effectively turn once-off visits into lifetime customers and make it easy and rewarding for them to refer your business to their family, friends, and colleagues.

Avoid Clutter

Think about it: most customers’ wallets are crammed with plastic and paper cards. They don’t want another card to add to the pile. Our digital solution eliminates this clutter, offering a seamless, stress-free experience.

Never Gets Lost

Plastic and paper loyalty cards get lost in overstuffed wallets and forgotten at home.  With digital loyalty cards, this is now a thing of the past. Your customers will never misplace or forget your loyalty cards again.

Over 200 Times

Your customers look at their smartphones at least 200 times a day. This is where you want your loyalty card to be.

Feel Valued

You want your customers to feel appreciated and valued. Digital loyalty cards do just that.

We digitized all the popular loyalty programs, including Stamp or Punch Cards, Reward Cards, Membership Cards, Tiered Plans, Loyalty Points Cards,  Subscription Cards, Cashback Cards, Coupons, and Gift cards.

Your customer installs your digital loyalty card from a QR code, email, SMS, or WhatsApp, which takes three clicks.
Your loyalty card now lives next to your customer’s credit cards in Apple Wallet, Google Pay and WhatsApp.

It is easy to customize to ensure a seamless fit with your unique business style. With easy-to-use features and efficient integrations via APIs with most point-of-sale software, we offer a smooth, hassle-free experience.
We have everything you need to increase your customer loyalty fast.

Rectangular button with rounded corners on a black background featuring an apple logo with a colorful top bar, alongside the word "digital loyalty card" in white text.
Button featuring the Google logo with a rainbow-colored top layer and a digital loyalty card icon, set against a dark rectangular background.
Whatsapp logo featuring its name in white text with a green speech bubble encasing a white telephone icon, designed like a digital loyalty card, against a black background.

The complete loyalty solution

Get more loyal customers

Getting your customers to return one more time and one timeless to your competition is how the battle will be won. 

Free push messaging

Skip crowded email inboxes and SMS chatter with free push messages sent to your customer’s phone anytime, anywhere. With timely and effective notifications, you can drive sales traffic to your business.

Location-based messages

Automatically message customers directly on their smartphone lock screen as they walk by to drive foot traffic to your shop.

Easy setup

Launch your branded customer loyalty program in minutes. We believe in simplicity, so there’s no hardware to buy.

Word of mouth

Get new customers fast with our built-in referral add-on. Your customers seamlessly refer your business to their friends, family, and colleagues via WhatsApp, email, SMS, or QR code scan.

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